Water Softener Installation Tips

You got the best water softener and you are ready to buy it right away? Pause for a minute and think about installation. Will you install it on your own or use a professional. The bottom line is that you want the machine to perform optimally, deliver high quantities of water and make you and entire family happy. Here are some useful installation tips that every water softener buyer should know.

Never leave the point of sale until the softener is tested

Water softener just like other electronics or electrical devices should be bought with assurance of performance. If you buy from the nearest store, insist on getting assurance the machine will wok at home. Where possible, get demonstrations. For others purchasing the machine online, insist on knowing the seller?s quality assurance policy. This will give you a guarantee that after installation, the prescribed targets of water hardness removal will be met.

Follow installation manual if doing it on your own

The process of installing a water softener is not as complicated as many people tend to think. You only need to get a room or part of a room that will be free of disturbance in most of the times. To install the softener, manufacturers include an easy to follow manual so that a home owner can install the device, get better attachment and learn more about it. When installing the device on your own; the following two things are very crucial:-

  • Prepare the right tools to make drilling, joinery, and fitting easy
  • A helping hand to lift and position different parts at the right pace. Some parts especially the brine tank can be heavy.

Take advantage of support services to get clarifications

While the printed manuals are truly amazing, make sure to utilize other manufacturer?s support services. They usually have toll free numbers for their clients to call and get confirmation on any issue about installation, use, or even maintenance. You are sure of getting top notch guidelines and getting a perfect installation.

If uncertain about DIY installation, seek assistance of a professional plumber

Plumbers have wide knowledge about functionalities of different softeners and will complete the task within a short while. Unlike DIY, the plumber is sure of making all the necessary adjustments, and leaving the system in top condition. In addition, they can easily tell you when there is a problem so that you seek immediate remedy. At the end of it all, the plumber will also give you importance maintenance tips to make the softener work better and last longer.

If the seller has professionals installation experts, ensure to use them

Nothing gives a client assurance like having an expert assigned by the manufacturer of a device that one has just bought. The professional understands the company?s recommended standards and will ensure they are followed in every step. Besides, the company?s installation expert must do a good job to win more clients and grow the business that pays him.

Never lose contacts of an installation professional

When you get a good installation professional, chances are that you would like the same person to assist in case the system develops issues. Such experts develop greater attachment with clients because they understand their home settings and can therefore give a more practical solution. Note their numbers, email addresses and other contact detail that can make reaching them easy and fast.

Make installation the starting point to stay with the manufacturer and other fans

While the installation of your water softener marks the beginning of a happier home, make it a commencing point to reach others with similar devices. Joining the community provides one with an opportunity to learn new things about the machine, latest news, and better maintenance tips. One will also be informed when newer models are available and make the decision to upgrade.


Installation tips provided above are meant to help you have the best machine fixed at home and run optimally in delivering soft water. Installation of the softener should however not stop at that; it should map a new beginning and a changed way of liaising with others using similar equipment. No matter what your expectations are, make the installation a unique moment to understand the device and learn how to take care of it.

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