How To Make Hydrogen Water

Drinking a lot of water is what most people give utmost priority nowadays. After all, water is very necessary for survival and maintenance of homeostasis. Water is also important in digestion and in maintaining a very healthy skin. But drinking some kind of water can do a lot of harm in the body much more than the good it does. For example, some tap water might contain toxins such as chlorine, fluoride and arsenic.

This singular reason should make you choosy in the kind of water you drink. A properly filtered water reduces the amount of toxins you ingest in water and increases the alkaline minerals you ingest in mineral rich alkaline water, promoting natural detoxification in the body.

According to The Home Dweller website, hydrogen water, known as the wellness water of the 21st century is worth an excitement from you due to the numerous benefits derived from taking the water. It has been proven from scientific studies that healing springs found around the world, in places like japan, Mexico, India and the popularly known Lourdes in France are truly therapeutic because they have hydrogen gas dissolved in them.

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What is molecular hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the first element on the scientific periodic table. It consist of just one electron and one proton, making it the lightest and simplest element on the periodic table. It is the most abundant of all the element found in the universe.

Hydrogen exist majorly as gas and will rarely exist in a molecular form. This makes it exist mostly in bond in chemical compounds such as water, oil, gas and a wide range of organic and synthetic chemicals.

Molecular Hydrogen is a gas, odorless and tasteless, with actions found to be potentially therapeutic in all organ found in the human body. It might have the potential to protect against about 150 diseases.

When hydrogen gas is added to water, it is able to modulate cell signaling activity, providing a wide range of benefits such as anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, and anti-allergy. It has also been found to have anti-oxidant effect in reducing the toxins in the body.

Discovery of hydrogen water

The hydrogen water was discovered in the water called the healing waters of Nordenau Germany, Tlacote Mexico, and Hita Tenryousi Japan.

These spring waters react with alkali earth metals to produce molecular hydrogen gas. The bacteria and algae found in the water also produce hydrogen gas which make abundance of hydrogen present in the spring water.

How to make hydrogen water

The popular method in making hydrogen water is the electrolysis of water which can be achieved by passing an electric current through water. The principle involved in the electrolysis of water involve splitting water which is made up of hydrogen and oxygen into its component and dissolving it in water.

The kinds of water gotten through this process is referred to as ionized alkaline water, that is water with increased hydrogen content and ionized acidic water, meaning water with increased oxygen content.

A more effective and convenient method of making hydrogen water is dipping metallic magnesium in water. This is a chemical reaction which produces molecular hydrogen on the breaking of the bond between the molecules of water.

Research individuals have come up with different ideas on how to make this preparation easier and easily accessible every day. One method of producing the hydrogen water is the use of a magnesium rod kept in a bottle of water which can be refilled when the level of water is low. This rod can last for several months before it is being replaced.

A more user friendly preparation of hydrogen rich water which is the addition of a tablet of micronized elemental magnesium into water, allowing it to dissolve. A large dose of molecular hydrogen, which is about 1.6 to 2.6 part per million is generated from this method. A tablet dropped into a bottle of water and tightly capped for about 10 to 15 minutes will generate hydrogen bubbles which will dissolve in the water.

Hydrogen water is an inexpensive and safe therapy for prevention of diseases, treatment of illnesses and health maintenance.

The properties of hydrogen that makes it serve as an antioxidant

Oxygen is needed for the survival of human, but not all the oxygen we take in is utilized. The unutilized oxygen are converted to free radicals that has the ability to attach to other cells in the body. When they get attached to the cell, they start a process called oxidation which causes the cells to decay and cause a process of damage to the proteins of the cell, lipids and the DNA.

A daily intake of hydrogen rich alkaline water will help in fighting the process by the delivery of hydrogen to tackle the free radicals and break the gas molecules down into atoms. The hydrogen water works with effect by neutralizing the free radicals.

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