Is Bottled Water Always Distilled?

Is Bottled Water Distilled? Your questions answered

Distilled water is the purest form of water available. Most people tend to assume that all bottled water has been through water distillation, but this is not the case.

The USA populace is one of the leading consumers of bottled water in the world, making it necessary for one to know whether it is distilled or not.

Is Bottled  Water Always Distilled?

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Is bottled water always distilled?

Now that we are in the know of what distilled water is, it is also vital that we understand what bottled water is. In many regions of the world, bottled water is considered safe for drinking when compared to other sources such as a water spring.

It’s important to note is that not all bottled water is distilled. The process costs a fortune; therefore, most companies opt for other methods to remove contaminants.

The source of the water varies from one area to the next. spring and tap water are among the top sources of water.

The sizes range from single-serve bottles to large ones that you can use for an extended period in a household.

There are different types of bottled water, and water purified through any process can be bottled. The purification process varies for the various brands available in the market.

Is distilled water always healthy?

Although the process gives you pure water, this does not mean that it is the healthiest. This technique strips the tap water of fluoride and all-natural minerals. It is pure, but its benefits to the body are minimal.

Additionally, this type of drinking water tends to pull minerals from whatever it comes into contact with to achieve balance. It will absorb minerals from your body, and this could be detrimental to your well-being in the long run.

Distillation of water is a process that gets rid of impurities in-ground or tap water using boiling. The water has to reach its boiling point, and the heat destroys the contaminants in the tap or spring water.

This is one of the purified types of water, but the process and results are diverse from the rest hence the separation. Purified water is filtered through different means. Some of the conventional water purification methods are:

Reverse osmosis (RO): this process helps improve the taste, smell, and appearance of water. It is an effective method for sea and spring water, but you are not limited to these options.

RO works through the introduction of a high-pressure pump that pushed the water through a semi-permeable membrane. This membrane helps remove dissolved inorganic solids such as lead and pesticides from the drinking water, making it clean.

Filtration: this is the mechanical separation of one substance from another is the principle that this method relies on to get rid of contaminants from tap and spring water, among others.

Contemporary filtration systems use carbon as the central element in the system. Activated carbon filter (ACF) is one of the common components that commercial filters have.

Water purified through this system may not be pure but it is better than tap water.

Chlorination: Of the three methods that we discuss herein, this is the most widely used in the world. Chlorine, a heavy-duty oxidant, is used to destroy any disease-causing micro-organisms found in tap and groundwater.

It is one of the practical techniques that has been around for many years. It is ideal for large scale water treatment. When used in excess, chlorine becomes unfit for human consumption.

What Brand of Bottled Water is Distilled?

Most companies prefer not to use this process when removing impurities from the drinking water. This process is energy-intensive, and the water it produces is pure but tasteless.

Renowned brands in the bottled water business pride in using other methods of purification to make the water safe for human consumption. The different forms of physical processes, such as filtration and sedimentation, are preferred over distilling.

This is not to say that no company distills its drinking water. Some brands boast of making the purest form of water derived from natural sources such as spring water. They use distillation to achieve this.

Glaceau Smartwater is a brand that uses distillation to clean its water in readiness for bottling. Some mineral electrolytes, such as calcium and magnesium, are added back to the pure water.

Coca-cola company has all rights reserved for this product. Over the years, this brand has grown to be among the top five bottled water brands in the country and other parts of the world as well.

It is available in the United Kingdom, India, France, Australia, and Croatia, among other countries. Many other brands of bottled drinking water use the distillation method out here. Read the labeling when buying water to know which process a company uses to distill water before bottling.

Is Dasani bottled water distilled?

Dasani is made using purified water. The purification technique that the manufacturer uses is reverse osmosis. The product you buy is tap water that has been filtered and bottled with added minerals such as sodium. Dasani uses tap water from the local municipal in jurisdiction they operate in.

This, therefore, means that the content varies from one region to the next. Spring water and tap water, for instance, have different taste and odor.

Coca Cola owns this brand, and they claim that the multi-barrier treatment system that they use ensures that the Dasani water has consistent taste irrespective of the source. However water drinking enthusiasts do not agree with this sentiment.

Purified water vs. distilled water

The question of whether one can use purified water instead of distilled comes up often. The purpose of the water will help you pick the right choice for the task at hand. Purified water is that which has been filtered or processed to remove impurities.

Chemicals, allergens, and heavy metals are among the removable contaminants when using the different processes. The major difference between distilled and purified water is the technique used to get rid of the impurities.

During processing, distilled water loses both contaminants and minerals. For purified water, the various processes eliminate contaminants but leave the minerals intact.

Distilled water, as we discuss above, goes through the distillation process. Purified water, on the other hand, goes through reverse osmosis, sand filtration, sedimentation, and disinfection are among the standard methods used to clean water.

The choice of whether to go with purified or distilled water depends on the usage of the same. If the process you want to undertake indicates that you should use distilled water, do not go against this instruction.

When buying any form of purified water, ensure that you are aware of the technique used. This is critical because some processes such as chlorination may be harmful for human consumption.

Availability of distilled water

Distilled water is available in many parts of the world. You can buy distilled water or produce some in your home. Over the years, producers in this realm have developed machinery that you can use to make distilled water in the comfort of your home.

The same applies for purified water. You can buy filtration systems that clean, and you can drink spring water or any other directly from the faucet. If you reside in an area with a water spring, you can take advantage and distill water for home use.

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